That’s right, you can! It must be 3 o’clock in the morning, with a good set of binoculars, and a lot of patience. It’s preferred to use a tripod to make sure your binoculars are nice and stable.
Next point your binoculars 43° south southeast by 22° north east. Make sure you have some red lights nearby as a red light will help your eyes focus.
Wait for just the right time for the earths rotation to be in just the right place, don’t forget it cannot be on a full moon.
Most importantly, again, most importantly, you must close both of your eyes for at least five minutes to make them adjust. Then open your eyes, focused through the binoculars, don’t blink for at least three minutes. There you have it, you should start seeing the speckled lights of South Padre Island.
If you have any trouble or have any questions, let my friend Diana know she’s done it many times.
I hope this is been fun for you, until next time.
Wait.....I think I see it!